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Justifying Your Attendance at EDxEDNYC 2019

Sparing staff for outside professional development can be tough.

Here, we offer some resources to help make your case with your supervisor.


Justification Letter

Download and personalize this attendance justification letter.

Ideas for Making Your Case 


  • EDXEDNYC is free! Tickets to our event don't cost a thing. We believe in making quality PD free to educators.

  • You can earn up to 6 CTLE credits!

  • Leaving your school building to attend a PD needs to help your school in some way. Clearly explain the connection between your attendance and the positive impact upon instruction or leadership in your school.

  • Explain the new ideas and session topics you will bring back to your school. How will your turn-key that new knowledge to the rest of your staff? Suggest a presentation during PD or a shareable document.

  • Show your supervisor the sessions you will attend from our Agenda schedule when it's available.
    Or, discuss which sessions might be most useful together!


  • Engage with other EDxEDNYC participants on social media using the hashtag #EDxEDNYC.
    Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are powerful tools for collaboration and idea sharing. Show your administrator just how much buzz EDxEDNYC is getting.


  • Encourage your administrator to bring a group or your whole staff! 




​Show your supervisor this web site and the EDxEDNYC videos on this page!




What is EDxEDNYC?

An overview of the awesome EDxEDNYC conference day!

The EDxEDNYC Experience

Starring Hudson "Teachers" Jordan and Tarelle​S




EDXEDNYC Professional Learning Conference

351 West 18th St

New York, NY 10011



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