What Equity Really Means in Schools
Equity and equality are two different concepts that are often used interchangeably. Many people think that equity in education means...

The Best Laid (Lesson) Plans Go Awry
Today, I continued work on my basement. This has been an ongoing project for the better part of 2 months now, and it has been wrought...

Empowering Teachers at EDxEDNYC 2019
It's that time of year! EDxEDNYC is back and ready for 2019! The EDxEDNYC Conference is June 6, 2019 from 9am-3:30pm. The EDxEDNYC Story...

How to Bring EDxED To Your School!
“Professional Development is meant to develop you professionally, not serve as purely administrative time.” That one line, delivered by...

Solving School Problems? Ask the Experts — NYC Teachers!
The room was full of educational leaders from across the city, there to learn more about how to bring technology into school buildings,...

SHARE: How Educators Can (Really, Honestly) Unplug Over Winter Break —And How Stress Affects Us
Between grading papers, planning for the spring, and that extra-special energy students are buzzing with before a break, it’s super...

Parts of Whole: Designing Systems that Support Great Schools
If you go into any school in America, you will find myriad programs and initiatives; be they academic, behavioral, administrative, or...

The Activate Learning Project is Coming to EDxEDNYC from Canada!
Check out this AWESOME video about activating learning and fostering executive functions in young learners by EDxEDNYC veteran...

Teaching: Remember Why We Do This
Three years ago, at just about this time of year, a small crew of us sat on a train headed home from a mind-blowing annual education...

Meet the EDxEDNYC Conference Team — Lori Stahl-Van Brackle
Meet Lori Stahl-Van Brackle Meet Lori Stahl-Van Brackle, newest member of the EDxEDNYC Conference Team! The EDxED team is made up of...

Meet the EDxEDNYC Conference Team — Jennifer L.M. Gunn
Meet Jennifer L.M. Gunn Meet Jennifer L.M. Gunn, founding member of the EDxEDNYC Conference Team! The EDxED team is made up of dedicated...