SHARE: How to Run a Meeting: Agendas and Protocols That Really Work
We’ve all been there — sitting in a meeting that could have been an email while our other tasks continue to mount in our minds. A glance...

SHARE: A Root Cause of the Teacher-Diversity Problem
Conversations focus on getting more black educators into the profession—but what if the problem starts with bias in hiring practices? ...

SHARE: Laptops And Phones In The Classroom: Yea, Nay Or A Third Way?
"If something on their desk or in their pocket dings, rings or vibrates — they will lose focus." "Students are doing so much in class,...

Meet the EDxEDNYC Conference Team: Walter Brown
Meet Walter Brown Meet Walter Brown, founding member of the EDxEDNYC Conference Team. The EDxED team is made up of dedicated teachers who...

SHARE: Essential Strategies for Managing Trauma in the Classroom
Poverty, violence, hunger, abuse, and an unstable world are causing chronic stress for our nation’s kids. And that sad truth is that...

Meet the EDxEDNYC Conference Team — Lamar Long
Meet Lamar Long Meet Lamar Long, a member of the EDxEDNYC Conference Team. Lamar is Sponsorship Coordinator for the 2018 conference! The...

SHARE: Thriving in Your First Years as a Teacher
Six realistic, low-stress steps you can take to improve your teaching in the hectic early years of your career. It is a universal truth...

Meet the EDxEDNYC Conference Team — Vince Joralemon
Meet Vince Joralemon Meet Vince Joralemon, session coordinator and logistics manager for the EDxEDNYC Conference Team. The EDxED team is...

Meet the EDxEDNYC Conference Team — Jennifer L.M. Gunn
Meet Jennifer L.M. Gunn Meet Jennifer L.M. Gunn, founding member of the EDxEDNYC Conference Team! The EDxED team is made up of dedicated...

The Benefits of Helping Teens Identify Their Purpose in Life
It’s 12:15 p.m. on a Tuesday in December and 30 students gather for an unusual class at the Bronx Center for Science and Mathematics, a...

How to Harness the Power of Storytelling for School Improvement
During this session participants will have an opportunity to learn about the NYC DOE Showcase Schools initiative, a program designed to...

Enhancing Teaching and Learning in STEM
This session will demonstrate, as part of an interactive workshop, the use of gamification and stop-motion in the teaching of complex...

Design 4 Impact: 
The Student-Led Startup
Entrepreneurship and Innovation align with the 21st century needs of our society: complex problem solving; creativity, collaboration,...

Rethinking Immigration: Discussing Cultural Identity through Hip-Hop Music
On January 30th, 2017, New York City Department of Education Chancellor Carmen Farina issued a letter explaining the urgency of...

Google Chrome Extensions: Leveraging Instructional Technology to Advance the Learning Experience
Unleash the power of the Google Chrome browser! Google Chrome extensions are like superpowers for your web browser, literally extending...