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Empowering Teachers at EDxEDNYC 2019

It's that time of year! EDxEDNYC is back and ready for 2019!

The EDxEDNYC Conference is June 6, 2019 from 9am-3:30pm.

The EDxEDNYC Story

Five years ago, a group of educators at Hudson High School of Learning Technologies wanted to make a difference in professional learning. After attending countless PD's and conferences, we noticed that teacher voice and choice were sorely lacking from professional development. Why weren't teachers learning from other teachers? Why did professional development so often come from non-educators or outside companies? Why were PD and teacher learning programs so expensive?

The EDxEDNYC Difference

A small group of teachers at Hudson wondered: What would happen if we created our own conference and invited educators to come to our school to learn from each other? The EDxEDNYC Conference was born. EDxEDNYC, which stands for ed by ed, is a conference for educators by educators. Registration is free because good PD shouldn't mean exorbitant costs for teachers. Today, we proudly welcome up to 1,000 educators to join us for a powerful and fun day of collaborative learning. Who can attend? Whole-school staffs, groups and individuals from all over the world. Yes, the world.

Conference Sessions

On conference day, we offer over 40 session options to choose from, with relevant content for K-12 educators, administrators and counselors. Our conference sessions are hosted by educators — not by companies. They're interactive and conversational, rather than passive presentations. Our attendees walk away feeling refreshed, recharged, inspired and connected. We welcome educators to submit a proposal to host a session, and we accept proposals on a rolling basis.

Don't Miss Out

When we started this journey, we wondered if anyone would come to our "party." Five years later, we're so proud to have so many schools join us each year. This year's keynote speaker — to be announced on January 22nd — is nothing short of amazing. You won't want to miss out! The first 250 attendees to check in on conference day will receive an awesome swag bag and a copy of our keynote speaker's book!

How can you get involved?

Our sessions are hosted by educators. Propose a conversation session and share your ideas with amazing people.

We welcome whole-schools, small groups and individuals to attend. Tickets are available until they run out — which happens every year. So don't wait! We offer 6 hours of CTLE credits for attendees.

We welcome education sector companies and organizations to host trade-show tables, sponsor meals and contribute swag to conference gift bags. We offer a tiered pricing structure and prime table locations are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Write for the Blog

The ByEd Blog welcomes guest educator writers! Submit your awesome ideas and get your name out there! Pitch your idea here!

Get Social

Start networking now! We're on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram! Follow us @edxednyc or #edxednyc

We hope to see you on June 6, 2019!




EDXEDNYC Professional Learning Conference

351 West 18th St

New York, NY 10011



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